This website uses ASP classic to serve its contents. I wrote the CMS system for it in the late 1990s, and it hasn’t caused me too much trouble. I can easily add new pages to it without stopping a program, having a build environment handy, or compiling anything. I can change the logic of a page by simply saving a text file.
posted by sysrpl on Tuesday April 12, 2022 5:38 PM
Westgate Resorts is planning on expanding the Cocoa Beach Pier into a timeshare resort area. Their proposal to acquire the public street Meade Avenue and merge it into their property was unanimously approved by the Cocoa Beach city council.
posted by sysrpl on Wednesday May 12, 2021 1:46 PM
Last year I wrote a program to highlight the difference between computing in software versus hardware. I ended up creating two programs to calculate the Mandelbrot set. One was written to allow multiple CPU cores to perform the number crunching, while the other used the GPU to do the work.
posted by sysrpl on Thursday April 1, 2021 9:54 AM
A day before April 1 2021 I received a McDonald's mailer advertising their new Crispy Chicken Sandwich along with a coupon redeemable for said sandwich only valid on April 1. Today I decided to take Mcdonald's up on their one-day-only free Crispy Chicken Sandwich offer and was left to ponder the following question.
Is the New McDonald's Crispy Chicken Sandwich an April Fools day joke?
Christopher Barnatt, the man behind the Youtube channel Explaining Computers, has switched to using Linux as his full time operating system. This comes after Microsoft has removed Windows 7 support and Windows 10 was packed with privacy invading programs.
Some in our national media and politicians would have you believe their messaging with regards to the Coronavirus has always been serious and factual in nature.
posted by sysrpl on Tuesday September 3, 2019 11:27 AM
Here is a video composite of hurricane Dorian using high resolution satellite imagery. The video was put together using stills from the new NOAA GOES-16 satellite put into operation in 2017.
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